Lesson 36: Leaving School Prepared

Leaving School Prepared Lesson Thumbnail


Lesson Objectives
Students will:
  • - Develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to successfully transition to the next phase in the educational or vocational journey, ensuring they are equipped to thrive in their chosen path.
  • - Compile the necessary paperwork and documentation for a smooth transition, ensuring they have access to appropriate support and services in their post-school endeavors.
  • - Develop the skills and strategies necessary to engage with NextUp resources and activities during the break, fostering continued personal and professional growth.

Core Areas of Transition: Self-Advocacy, Workplace Readiness Training, Post-Secondary Education

NextUp Essential Skill(s): 
  • Essential Skill 4: Students will exhibit appropriate self-advocacy skills by demonstrating knowledge of themselves and effectively advocating for their needs and rights in various settings.